Article: “Enhanced Webcomics”
An Exploration of the Hybrid Form of Comics on the Digital Medium
Read the full article in the
Magazine of the Visual Narrative
Having found their way onto the computer screens, comics soon branched into webcomics. These kept a lot of the characteristics of print comic books, but gradually adapted new unexplored modes of representation. Three relatively new ‘enhancements’ to the medium of comics are presented in this article: webcomics enhanced through the use of the infinite canvas, as proposed by Scott McCloud, those enhanced with videos and/or sound, and lastly those enhanced with interactive and ludic elements. All of the mentioned push the medium of comics into new waters, and by doing so they add new layers of meaning.

Screencapture from Thunderpaw by Jen Lee
About the author
Josip Batinić graduated in MA New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam. His main area of interest is the assimilation and the adaptation of different (old) media into the digital realm. He has been following trends in New Media, particularly those concerned with advancements in representing comics on the screen.