Exodus is an interactive motion comic produced by Submarine Channel that uses parallax scrolling and innovative animation to follow the journey of a group of refugees fleeing from war and persecution
Critically acclaimed, bone chilling interactive graphic novel about an elderly couple who volunteer for a visionary rejuvenation procedure. All chapters are out now!
Augmented reality comic about a group of young misfits that must band together to escape the Omni World Corporation and its nefarious invention, the Dead Net.
Follow the colorful crew of ‘the Whale’ venturing into insane situations in this action packed intensely animated sci-fi adventure comic app.
In the same way the printing press once usurped the oral tradition as the dominant form of communication, digital delivery is poised to usurp print…
Comics were not born on paper, but they’ll die there if that’s the extent of our imagination…
The phrase, “the story always comes first”, is a lie…
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